Arthur Rubinstein
Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don’t and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it. Live in the moment and enjoy life to its fullest. A day without a smile it’s like a day lost. You always need to be happy, to be happy is everything. Without happiness life is not the same. We all have to live life without worrying about what is going to happen next because we don't know if there is going to or not be a tomorrow. We never know when our life is going to be over, we never know what can and cannot happen next. That is the reason for living life to its fullest, without stressing ourselves with little things, like homework and what we are going to wear to the next party there is. We have to be happy with how we are and if we aren't, then we need to change that one little ting to become a better person. Life is much better with people called ´friends.´ they are the things that complete your life, they're everything. So don't have regrets, always be happy, and live like there's no tomorrow cause every second, every move you make, is YOUR LIFE.
By Jane Ricaurte
Profound reflection of life! I will consider your perspective in the future. As a mom, specially. I need to lighten up a little more! Thanks for your insights!
alejandra lascano
i am totally agree with you, because we dont know what we are going to happen in the future only the present so live the present and wait the future because the future is incert the future can sorprise us
I agree with Jane´s life perspective. It´s true, everyday has to be enjoyed as the last day of our lifes. If we spend our days smiling, and happy, I´m sure that even our health would be better. Smiles are contagious and if you give someone a good day, life will pay you back.
Nelly Marriott
The life is too short... i am very sad for this... but is true and we can make the best that we can and demostrated that the life is good and would try to do better.
Tokidoki-Jorge Vallejo
I totally agree you need to be happy, without stressing ourselves with not important things, we need to enjoy each moment in our lifes with friends and family. always being happy, thats how a live my life
debate club
I love this article , I´m totally agree about to live without regrets , because we have only one oportunity to life , and we have to be happy everytime. The friends are so important they give us greats moments all the time. we have to live like there is no tomorrow.
live each day like it would be the last, you need to enjoy your life because it is too short to pass for bad feelings, think positive way always and trust in your friends and enjoy your life at maximum posible.
Alvaro Acosta
I love this. I know that life cannot be a life without problems, because problems help us to grow and to get experience. Problems appear when there are two people, it means that a problem cannot be a problem if one of the two people get out of it. I love my life and I have no regrets about it. I have the best family in the world and I have the best friends ever, real friends that make me feel happy in bad moments. I do not need anything else to be happy. I just can said that the live and love we create is the life and love that we live.
Maria Claudia Weir
5th A
Jane I'm totally agree with you because we don't have the life buy or purchased , we have to life all days as the last day of our lives, Love is a complement of happiness , with love you can move mountains, with a little bit of lovewe can change the world and make it better . life needs of love
Jane like all of people that comment this blog, I am totally agree with your posture, I think that you make a great analysis of the really meaning of life.
Like I said in all the parts of the article I agree with you and I also think that love and respect are the pillars of a great life, also want people to start thinking that we have only one life and we have to enjoy it the most that we can, because we don't know the day, hour, or place of our death, I recommend people to give out all that love and affection that they have hidden with some people because if one day those people unfortunately in the least expected moment died and they would complain and be sad because when they never demostrate what they feel to them.
Domenica Avellan
5th A
I totally agree with you, we need to live our life becuase we dont know whats gonna happen next,we dont know if theres a we need to be able to wake up in the morning and and just be happy, with our firnds and family and forget our enemies!!
Melanie Espinet
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