Logos Academy Debate Team 2010

Logos Academy Debate Team 2010

Sunday, November 15, 2009

What do you think... Are computers male or female?

by Maria Lorena Barrazueta
I'll give you some hints on how to guess if our computer is more like a male or a female.

Five reasons to believe computers are female:
No one but the Creator understands their internal logic.
The native language they use to communicate with other computers is incomprehensible to everyone else.
The message "bad command or file name" is about as informative as, "If you don't know why I'm mad at you, then I'm certainly not going to tell you."
Even your smallest mistakes are stored in long-term memory for later retrieval.
As soon as you make a commitment to one, you find yourself spending half your paycheck on accessories for it.

Five reasons to believe computers are male:
They have a lot of data, but are still clueless.
They are supposed to help you solve problems, but half the time they ARE the problem.
As soon as you commit to one you realize that, if you had waited a little longer, you could have obtained a better model.
In order to get their attention, you have to turn them on.
Big power surges knock them out for the rest of the day

So, do you think your computer is male or female?


Anonymous said...

you kown what. you are a highschool girl with only 15 or 16 years. how can you talk about mens if you have ever not meet one.
I am a university student and i have a boyfriend he is the better men i have ever met, he never makes problems sometimes i make the problems but i accepted that not like you feminist girl!
An indignated women!

Anonymous said...

what happens if you fight with your boyfriend!
you will have the same idea????!? hahaha!

Anonymous said...

maybe not but i am not going to be a feminist like you... i am not going to think like that about mens!

Anonymous said...

Interesting comparison!!! would you accept the posotion of being compared with a machine?? Could Be ? Why not? if humans which created the machines!!!

Lorena Barrazueta said...

I didn't mean to hurt anyone... It is not to take it in a bad way.... I wrote it just to laught a for a sec... you See sometimes is good to make fun of ourselves...... An for the indignated women mmmm first I wasn't fighting with u in the comments up there and If ur boyfriend is cool well congrats for u! but the next time why dont u think a little more, laught about life, because after all that is way it is to enjoy NOT TO FiGHT! Ohh and if Im feminist then ur definitly being inmature... thanks

Anonymous said...

jaajajajajajajaja!!! well well great answer, i only want to prove that you were a real debater! congrats you answer my question i will be in contact in your blog

Jackie said...

This is a space to share points of view. Life is full of perspectives. As a debate team we focus on different angles a topic may have.
We encourage objectivity and respect when spiking our opponents.
I am fascinated that people are reacting to the topics we have posed!

Anonymous said...

FEMINIST but I laugh (: great article!

Anonymous said...

hahaha that was GREAT! i cant stop laughing (:
hahha to get their atenttion we have to turn them on!thats smart!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha!.. I agree with ma. lorenaa, sometimes is good to make fun of ourselves!!+
camila arcos

Yvii Yunez said...

excellent article, i really agree with you ma. lorena and YOU HAVE TO REALISE THAT MEN ARE THE SAME WITH DIFERENTS PERSONALITIES YES BUT STILL they have the same idea of life FUN.. so this article isnt feminist just show a point of view of one person.. (:

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with u, i mean computers are made for girls and use by guys! i loved this article!

JJ said...

hahahahahaha!!!. Very very good article. This shows us, males and females, in wich aspects we are failing; but in a very funny way. This article may hurt many people, but is just a point of veiw, not everyting in it is correct. We must acceot our mistakes and have fun of ourselves.

Anonymous said...

SO FUNNY! I think computers are machines... duh!

Matias Polar

Anonymous said...

i like it!! but i dont really think men are like that, but its a good post!! you write excellent lorena... and i think computers are just computers haha
atte. estefania zevallos

Anonymous said...

I've never thought about if the computers are male or female, really, but was a good article. Ivanna Díaz

Anonymous said...

so funny hhahahha.... but i just think that they are just machine

karla pinargote

Anonymous said...

hahah i like it.... the mans need very scense of humor to lauhg of it.

juan pablo gellibert

patty said...

They are supposed to help you solve problems, but half the time they ARE the problem.
i love it.

Anonymous said...

i really love this!