Logos Academy participated in the XIX IDGE Rally at UCG, Thursday, April 29, 2010. Our team members belong to the "I Bachillerato", this is our second year training. We were fourth place in 2009. Our team members are Lisley Munoz, Maria Lorena Barrazueta, Melanie Espinet, Fernando Moya, Camila Arcos, Yvanna Yunes, Arianna Quintero and Juan Jose Jaramillo. Our coach is Jacqueline I. de Teran.
This year's topic is centered in education policies, today we debated on the following resolution: "Schools should permit students to bring their cell phones to school." Fernando and Lisley represented the affirmative side and won the mock debate.
Yesterdays debate was so much fun.We got to work with other school debate members and work in groups to win games and than we did the debate mock. I was in Negative side of the orange team with a new member of debate of toremar.
Melanie Espinet
yesterday we went to rally hosted by Casa Grande. in the pink group in which I was a timekeeper the debate was really boring. the arguments presented were really weak because there was so little time that any of the speakers could not reach a concrete idea, the cross examination was based on the speakers opinion just one of the debaters A1 did a CROSS EXAMINATION BASED ON THE INFORMATION That was provided to her. I was very stressed sitting in my chair being unable to give them a class of how it is correct to debate :)hahahaha but all was worth because I got to know the faults and strength of my opponents and to listen the Fernando's speech and to recognize that LISLEY IS THE LUCKIEST GIRL ALIVE (i hate u lislu hahahahah)
just one word FUN it was soo awesome to met new debaters and share our experience in debate and all kind of cool things, i met from torremar, celm, sek and delta and we all had friends in common hope it can repeat
Yvanna Yunez
Well Yes yesterday was the debate rally, it was in the Univesridad Casa Grande and it was good. They divided all the students in 3 groups I was in the orange group with melanie and our leader was Susan Macciavello, she gave us instructions about debate and answer our questions also we made a dynamic and a mock debate
Fernando Moya
my debate team!Im sorry I wasnt there but you know that my soul and mind where with you guys! I love the photo!and Im very proud because of the mock debate!
Arianna Quintero
I enjoy yesterday´s rally...
we were divided in 3 groups and in each group we made some fun activities...I was the timekeeper from one of the debates where affirmative side won!
yesterday was a very fun day at casa grande we had a very nice expirience my team was very fun and we won in the mock debate:: and maria lorena is very smart hahahaha
lisley Muñoz
Great job Logos Debaters!!!!
By the comments I have read you seem to have fun that day. I am sure you interacted with other people and get to know them. I was not present that day because I was ill but I hope everyone in the debate team can put the same face after we win very debate ( and the tournament too OF of course jeje)
Juan José Jaramillo
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